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We hope that you enjoy exploring our website and learning about our school. We look forward to speaking with you and welcoming you to our school community. Whilst we generally accept most children if space is available, our enrolment process will ensure that our school is a good fit for your child.

The first step in the application process is to contact us via email, expressing your interest in the school.  Please include what year group your child is currently in, any specific needs s/he has, his/her date of birth and when s/he plans to attend the school.

We look forward to inviting you for a tour.

School visit:

Enrolment documents

Following your school visit, please submit an Application Form, along with the non-refundable Registration Fee and Book/Resource Fee. Upon acceptance, this will secure your child's place in one of our classes.

No guarantee of an offer of a place can be given until this is received and your child has been accepted.

To complete enrollment, we ask that you prepare and submit a copy of the following:

  • Last two school reports, including the most recent one. We may request samples of English and Maths work for students transferring from a non-British system.
  • Birth certificate or passport that shows: the child’s picture, date of birth and passport number.
  • Child’s health record.
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